Another fun journal I received last fall: Inspirations: A Gratitude Journal. I thought today I'd just fill out a page...
Today's weather, news, events: COLD. As I type it is 9 degrees (and that's without the windchill!). In the news, Lance Armstrong is finally admitting to using drugs - and Oprah gets the interview, of course.
Today I feel: Tired and a little anxious. I've been making drastic changes in my diet this week - which is probably why I'm feeling a little sluggish. I have a lot to do at work this week - including meetings every day and writing a sermon. By Thursday, there's a good chance I will be feeling a little overwhelmed!
I am grateful for: Warmth. Tea. Sunshine. Plans for coffee with my sister, this afternoon!
Spiritually I: Am missing spiritually charged and inspiring conversations. I feel like I'm needing "more" these days - and exploring what that means and how to fill that need...
People in my thoughts today: All the ladies in my life struggling with cancer (Sue, Gina, Sara, Judy). Thinking of you all and praying for strength, courage, wisdom, energy, and that you know you are loved, valued, and never alone!
Magical moments (comfort, peace, and love): When the hubby came home from work yesterday... He gives the best hugs!
Donations of the heart (acts of kindness, sharing, caring, and forgiveness): A couple that we've known for years through another friend, has been at Mayo Clinic for the last week undergoing tests for a cancer diagnosis. It's obviously a tough time for them, but they came up to Minneapolis a couple of nights ago, and we went out to dinner with them - and had a lovely time! The next day they were going to have a little fun and Mall of America, so I asked if they like amusement park rides. Of course! Mike and I were able to gift them with 2 "unlimited rides" wristbands for the day. They called that afternoon and told us what a blast they were having! So good to be able to offer a little whimsy and fun during this week....
For a better tomorrow (goals, ideas, etc): I made an appointment with Listening House (a homeless center) to go meet with their volunteer coordinator! I also made plans with a friend to attend a new book group next month - and have a few other options to look into! Woo-hoo! Progress!
What are you up to today? I'd love to hear! (By the way, I turned the comment verification off! All comments are now easier to make - they just won't show up until I see them... I get a lot of spam, so I'm hoping this works to make commenting easy for you, and not a pain in the butt for me! So comment away!)
QotD: On a scale of one to ten, how was your lunch today? Ummm... 5.
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
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