Wednesday, December 22, 2010


"Prompt: Travel.

How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?"  (Author: Tara Hunt)

A few years ago, this would have been a sad question for me.  I've always loved to travel, and for a few years... there just wasn't much happening.  But this year was a fun one!  A couple of trips for work, and a couple of trips for fun.  That's what I call a well-balanced year!

In March, we spent ten days traveling through Amsterdam, Belgium, and Paris. 
(Windmills in Amsterdam.)
(Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium.)
(A wine-tasting in Paris.)

In June, I went on a mission trip with my church to Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.  (Including a drive through the Badlands and a stop at Wall Drug!)

In July, I was fortunate to go visit my sister and her family in Anchorage, Alaska.  I can't wait to get back again in 2011!

In September, I went on an amazing trip to Portland, Oregon with a friend - a spontaneous trip to attend a conference hosted by a favorite author.  In many ways, it's been part of a shift in my life...  A trip I wouldn't have missed for the world!

And in October, the hubby and I took a quick weekend to Minnesota's North Shore - a little camping, hiking, and sight-seeing in one of my favorite places!

For 2011, this is what is planned:

1)  My sister-in-law's wedding in Milwaukee in May.
2)  A Family Reunion on my Dad's side in Colorado in June.
3)  Another mission trip to Rosebud Reservation in July.
4)  Hopefully, another trip to Alaska in August.
5)  A trip to the "Blue Like Jazz" movie premiere in Portland in the fall?
6)  And for our passport stamp?  A trip across the border to Thunder Bay Canada...  maybe.

Sounds like a great year to me!

Things I am thankful for today:

1.  The ability to travel.
2.  The memories of new places and great people!
3.  Learning new things about culture and life when you're able to experience new places, foods, customs, and people.
4.  Safe travels.
5.  A job that provides the resources for traveling.
6.  Friends and family that have the same curiousity and sense of adventure!
7.  The ability to pack light and smart.
8.  Being able to see a place on tv or in a movie and say, "I've been there!"
9.  The excitement of looking forward to new trips.
10.  A trip to Milwaukee coming up this week to see in-laws and old friends!

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