Saturday, August 29, 2009


Today we hung out with my sister-in-law, Shelly, and her family. We went to the park and the kids (Lauren, 7, and Evan, 4) played and played and played. They had their cousin, Avery, with them - going up the rope ladders and down slides, spinning in the shade of the trees, seeing who could run up the giant hill first, and who could roll down the fastest! They chased Uncle Mike and laid in the grass, looking at the clouds. We ate hot dogs and chips... And enjoyed the day.

Later, they all came to our house for a pizza dinner - and to celebrate, belatedly, Lauren's 7th birthday. The kids ate - and then ran upstairs taking turns "running" "2 miles" on our elliptical machine! We actually had to lure them back downstairs for the much anticipated frozen oreo dessert! We lit birthday candles, sang "happy birthday" and watched Lauren blow them out - and dug in! Yum.
The kids scarffed what they wanted - and went back to the elliptical... If only the adults were that anxious to exercise! Instead, we ate what the kids didn't want of their desserts...

Anyway, so here's 10 things I am thankful for about Lauren:

1. The twinkle in her eye.
2. Her giggle.
3. Her stubbornness. Ha!
4. Her willingness to try new things.
5. She's very smart.
6. She gives good hugs.
7. She's creative.
8. She likes to play (nicely) with our dog.
9. She likes games and "I Spy" books.
10. She used to let me read to her when she was little.

Happy Late Birthday, Lauren - We love you!

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