Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday Blessings

Today, I am EXHAUSTED! Busy weekend, busy morning, napping the afternoon away!

I got to lead worship this morning - and had so much fun! Our Pastor had chosen the theme of the day before she knew she would be on vacation - and it just happened to be "Counting Your Blessings." Gee - kind of an easy and fun topic for me, I think! I had a lot of fun picking uplifting music and finding ways to "be practical" about recognizing blessings in our lives - I even got to talk about my little blog and how much it has changed the way I view the world. I had the congregation write down 10 things each person was thankful for and I'm making a gigantic "word cloud" of their answers - I'm so excited to see how it turns out! It should be fun!

Here's a quote from the book, Soul Salsa, that stuck with me as I was preparing my message for this morning:
“The kingdom of God is among us, around us, and within us. Look at the world of a flower. Look at a loaf of bread. Life’s magic, miracle, passion, and promise are gifts that fall right in our laps and find their way right into our hands. Our problem is that we are less open to the unexpectedness of the everyday in our quest for the extraordinary and extreme. In fact, it’s the pleasures of the moments that provide consolation against the drone and droop of the hours and the days.
Life’s treasures are buried right under our noses… There are so many discoveries to be made of this ever-changing world. Life isn’t somewhere else. Life is here – all around you and inside you, a succession of astonishments. True artists write hymns to ordinariness. True artists find meaning in the small wonders of life. The art of godly living is making every moment count… Making every moment a God moment.”

What was your "God moment" today? I hope you had many!

Things I am thankful for today:

1. Waking up early and ready-to-go this morning!
2. Confirmation - this group is full of questions and deep thoughts!
3. Worship - uplifting and fun!
4. St. Paul's Church - a wonderful family atmosphere.
5. Our choir - great music today!
6. My parents watching my dog for the weekend!
7. A rainy day - perfect for napping!
8. My dad's taking care of the baby bunny in their yard - so cute.
9. BBQ ribs - one of the boys at church reminded me of the joy of ribs, today!
10. Going to bed early!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

rain and naps has shown up a several blogs I read today! You did wonderful today and music was super good! WTG Megan!

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