"We live in a Good Friday world. How easy it is to stop right there, just short of healing, not realizing the hope of resurrection.
"The story of Easter week did not stop on Friday. The hope of this season is all about Sunday. Tony Campolo writes about a life changing sermon he heard in his book 'It's Friday but Sunday's Comin''. Campolo writes about hearing a wise African-American pastor preach about the events of Easter week.
"'For an hour and a half he preached one line over and over again..."It's Friday, but Sunday's comin'!" He started his sermon real softly by saying, "It was Friday; it was Friday and my Jesus was dead on the tree. But that was Friday, and Sunday's comin'!" One of the Deacons yelled, "Preach, brother, Preach!" It was all the encouragement he needed. He came on louder as he said, "It was Friday and Mary was cryin' her eyes out. The disciples were runnin' in every direction, like sheep without a shepherd, but that was Friday, and Sunday's comin!"
"'The preacher kept going. He picked up the volume still more and shouted, "It was Friday. The cynics were lookin' at the world and sayin' `As things have been so shall they be. You can't change anything in this world; you can't change anything. But those cynics don't know that it was only Friday. Sunday's comin'! It was Friday, and on Friday those forces that oppress the poor and make the poor to suffer were in control. But that was Friday! Sunday's comin'!
"'It was Friday, and on Friday Pilate thought he had washed his hands of a lot of trouble. The Pharisees were struttin' around, laughin' and pokin' each other in the ribs. They thought they were back in charge of things. But they didn't know it was only Friday! Sunday's comin'!
"Campolo continues, "He kept on working that one phrase for a half hour, then an hour, then an hour and a quarter, then an hour and a half. Over and over he came at us, "It's Friday, but Sunday's comin!" By the time he had come to the end of the message...He had me and everybody else so worked up that I don't think any of us could have stood it much longer. At the end of his message he just yelled at the top of his lungs, `It's FRIDAY!' and all 500 of us in that church yelled back with one accord, `SUNDAY'S COMIN'!"
"A lot of people who stumble across this site might be in the middle of what seems to be an interminable Friday. It is hard to accept suffering and illness. Relationships that hurt us make Friday seem like it will never end. The trials of living on a fallen planet will make this seem like a Friday world at times during the journey. Two years ago Joni’s diagnosis of cancer put us into a Friday state of mind. But we trusted that Sunday's comin'! As we told our wonderful sons, if your faith doesn't work at times like this it is of little value for the rest of the time. And it does work. We have been blessed with healing for now but we have the greater hope of the resurrection of Jesus as we continue. We trust in a God that has been faithful to strengthen us for the battle, work through us for His glory, and teach us to be dependent on Him.
"I believe the message of this week. Sunday's comin'. And I believe that with all of my heart and soul."
--David Burchett
This is the quote of the day on my little flip calendar - I had to share it, too!
"I wish you sunshine on your path and storms to season your journey. I wish you peace - in the world in which you live and in the smallest corner of the heart where truth is kept. I wish you faith - to help define your living and your life. More I cannot wish you - except perhaps love - to make all the rest worthwhile."
--Robert A. Ward
Wishing you a Friday of reflection and peace - and knowing that 'Sunday's comin!'
Things I am thankful for today:
1. A day (mostly) at home!
2. The hubby coming home for lunch and a walk before he leaves town for the weekend.
3. Feeling fairly relaxed about this weekend - very odd for me!
4. Cheerful workers at Gerten's Greenhouse when I went to pick up the church's lilies.
5. Kids alongside the road trying to get people to honk. I honked. They jumped with joy.
6. Windows open to a sunny day!
7. The sound of birds chirping!
8. The hubby left me the ipod - hurray for workouts!
9. Geese flying by my windows, honking!
10. The sound of the spring frogs along our nature path! (Soon, the dog will be chasing them!)
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Very nice post today Megan! I like that story. Good Friday always brings me peace. I think it has something to do with the reflection time we had at our church growing up. 30 minutes of silence, prayer and an opportunity for communion without anyone else in the church gives you a chance to really get some peace from God.
I'm new at blogging, and your blog is a good friend.
Awesome story...today I was full of peace... just relaxed.. I could almost hear the congregation yelling "Sunday's Comin'"
Did you notice you hit a 100 posts??
This was sent to me this morning from my sister. Wow! What an Easter gift! It has entered my heart as a healing balm. Thank you Megs for your service and reminding me of the magic and medicine that comes with writing out a gratitude list. When the wave of..."A Friday State of Mind" begins to creep in... I'll "open my window to a sunny day" and declare...Sunday's Comin! That SO makes me smile :) Thank you Megs. And thank you Donna for always knowing what I need. Happy Easter.
Thank you for posting about Easter. It fed my soul and inspired me to do the same.
Happy Easter to you!
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