For Today...
Outside my window... the sky is blue, the sun is shining, herons are flying overhead. It's supposed to only get to 39 degrees today and windy, but at least the sun is out!
I am thinking... about Holy Week. Working in the church, it's so busy! So much to do!
I am thankful... for my hubby's support while I'm trying to lose weight. He's so great...
From the kitchen... frosted shredded wheat and orange juice for breakfast, leftover Hawaiian pizza for dinner, and this week - bison chipotle taco salads, chicken and black bean enchiladas, and who knows what else?
I am wearing... my Monday morning uniform - my jammies.
I am creating... an Easter Sunrise service. I wish I had more kids to be involved... But we'll make it work!
I am going... to get a lot of work done today - so hopefully, the rest of my week isn't so stressful!
I am reading... "90 Minutes in Heaven" for book group, and "Let Your Life Speak" for myself. Both are good so far!
I am hoping... that I can live up to all the nice things people have been saying about me at church. It's very humbling to hear people speak on your behalf... (They're campaigning at one of my churches to bring me on full-time.)
I am hearing ... the crunch of footsteps through our landscaping, hammers working on the house contruction in the neighborhood, the wind blowing, the dog snoring, kids laughing outside, buses driving by...
Around the house... we're noticing all the little things we'd like to change. Painting, leveling curtain rods, wall hangings, tiling behind the stove, painting the powder room, etc, etc. A work weekend is planned!
One of my favorite things... date night with the hubby. We had so much fun last Friday - just happy hour at one of our favorite places, yummy food, and good conversation. Life is good.
A few plans for the rest of the week... staying on track with food and exercise, getting plenty of sleep, getting most of my work done early in the week so it's not crazy at the end!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
(On sunny days, in the spring, I just can't wait for warm days on the patio and playing frisbee with the hubby and the dog!)
Visit the Simple Woman’s Daybook, for more women's answers to these questions! I rarely post there, I just like the simple questions.
Things I am thankful for today:
1. A good night's sleep.
2. Trying on clothes in my closet - finding all kinds of things that fit!
3. Being caught up on my reading.
4. Feeling good about Easter.
5. 2 more pounds gone!
6. Listening to the hubby giving engagement advice to a dear friend... (The hubby did a very good job on ours!)
7. New eye cream - I like it!
8. The weather forecast for the weekend - high 50s on Easter!
9. The hubby going to visit his sister for the weekend. (I don't want him to leave, but they need some time together, so it's good.)
10. Skinny Cow cookies and cream ice cream sandwiches!
potato leek soup
6 days ago
You have a powder room? How nice! lol
Love the picture of Bailey!
LOL It's just a half-bath, Beth! :) Nothing fancy!
Glad you have sun today instead of snow! Did you sleep better last nigh? You sound like you are in a better mood.
LOL Yes! I got an excellent night's sleep! Thanks for asking! It's funny how you can feel someone's mood through their blogs, isn't it? LOL
Can you teach me to set aside my Miniature Peanut Butter cups so I can start losing weight again?'s an issue.
Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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