Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Fun - April 3rd

Today was a pretty eventful, but relaxing day... I slept in, I went shopping with my birthday money, I got my haircut, and I had a fun date with the hubby. Loved it! (That's why my blog entry is soooo late!)

Here's some more fun get-to-know-you questions - feel free to use them!

Where was the secret hideout of your youth? Behind the big oak tree in our backyard in Ohio, or in my closet (deep and dark). After we moved from Ohio, I don't think I really had secret hideouts...

In your family, did everyone have their own seat at the dinner table? Yes. And I remember in high school, for my psychology class, we had to mess with a "social norm" to see people's reactions, so I sat in a different place at the dinner table - really expecting no big reaction.... We couldn't start eating until I moved back to my usual seat! Ha ha ha. My "spontaneous" family wasn't so spontaneous afterall...

What game or song did your family play or sing while traveling in the car? Ha ha ha! My sister, Emily, and I used to do "Mickey and Sylvia" (from Dirty Dancing) in the back seat! I'm pretty sure, after I was out of the house, on road trips my sisters would do songs from Grease, too! Good times.

When you meet people for the first time, what are you most interested in learning about them? What they do in their spare time, who they like to spend their time with, what makes them smile and laugh, and what makes them sarcastic and unsympathetic...

Does being around people drain or motivate you? Ha ha ha - good question! Both! I'm a total introvert - content to be on my own most of the time... But then I get lonely. I love being around people, talking to them, learning from them, laughing with them... But then I need a nap to re-energize for the next round!

Who brings out the best in you? My hubby. He makes me feel like I can do anything... And if I screw up, it's ok.

What friends do you feel the most and least comfortable with and why? I'm most comfortable with the friends who accept me for who I am - for dumb mistakes, an easy-going attitude, the choices I've made with my life - the good and the bad. I'm least comfortable with friends who make me feel like I never quite know where I stand with them, who I don't know if I can be honest and myself around them without the risk of being judged, who take life too seriously.

What room do you like to gather in with friends? My living room. It's small and cozy, warm and inviting, and so comfortable - especially in the winter, with the fireplace and candles lit! I love it. So relaxing.

Would you rather have three very good friends or unlimited acquaintances? Three close friends. Totally. I want people who know me well - warts and all. People I can cry with, laugh with, and share my life with. Lots of shallow relationships would never get me through life in a meaningful way.

When people first meet you, you are afraid they will think what about you? Even at this point in my life, I can still be very shy... I'm always worried people will think I'm a snob... I don't think I am!

Things I am thankful for today:

1. Sleeping in - WAY in!
2. Going shopping - and fitting into cute clothes!
3. Getting my haircut - it SO needed it!
4. Date night - at the Herkimer in Minneapolis. (Happy hour grilled cheese fondue and sweet potato fries! YUM!)
5. Really good conversation with my hubby.
6. Doing no work on my day off. Nice.
7. Brainstorming future travel ideas with the hubby - fun to daydream.
8. Mango mochi balls (an ice cream treat at Trader Joe's) at 3am. Yum.
9. Sunshine.
10. Reading, "Let Your Life Speak" by Parker Palmer.


Jill said...

I just returned Let Your Life Speak to the library today! I didn't get a chance to read it though. Do you like it?

Anonymous said...

Whoa... mango mochi "balls" and parker palmer. two thumbs up. love them both. i don't have a profile or know how to post w/o being anonymous. i love you. em (your sister) heehee....

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