Monday, January 26, 2009

Two Handles

"Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith."
--Author Unknown, quoted from Treasures of the Transformed Life

So true! This month - and this coming year - have so many things up in the air... And yet, after a couple of days of anxiety and worry... I'm feeling hopeful and, dare I say it, a little joy at the possibilities! Whatever changes are coming, I know I have family, friends, and a faith to get me through.

What handle are you holding onto today? I hope, for you, that it's one of faith!

PS: Here are the answers to the questions I have received so far...

1) If I HAD to change my career, what would I change it to?
I don't know... There's so many! Maybe a teacher... Or an art therapist with little kids... Or a foster mom (I'd still like to do that someday)... Or... A bookstore/coffee shop owner... I'd love them all, I think!

2) If I HAD to choose to be deaf or blind, what would I choose?
That's a horrible thing to think about... And as much as I adore music and laughter, and the sound of doggy foot-steps... I think I would choose to be deaf. I can't imagine not being able to look in someone's eyes when I talk to them... Or seeing fall colors... Or starry skies... I can't imagine living my life in darkness... Or never being able to see the faces of those I love...

And... Things I am thankful for today:

1. That I haven't had to experience being blind or deaf, so far.
2. Orange juice.

3. A quiet day to get lots of work done.
4. Catching up on Grey's Anatomy. (Any of you who watch it - that last episode was SO SAD! I bawled like a baby!)
5. That I don't still live in Illinois... Rod Blagojevich is a nut case!
6. Mike making dinner - taking care of me and my pinched nerve... (Ouch!)
7. My new long undies! They're awesome! :)
8. Book group meets tomorrow - I miss the ladies!
9. Aveda shampoo.
10. Baby moose video - they're playing in a sprinkler! So cute! Check it out:


Unknown said...

I am holding handles of faith! I am anxiety free at the moment..still lots on my mind...but I am dealing with it....

I am so very hopeful that your next year is going to be blessed!

Carol E. said...

You sure got #5 right! I'm glad you don't live in Ill., too.

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