Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just a Simple Day

"How many of us go through our days parched and empty, thirsting after happiness, when we're really standing knee-deep in the river of abundance?"
--from the book Simple Abundance.

Things I am thankful for today...

1. Flannel pj pants.
2. Baked squash with brown sugar and butter! Mmmm...
3. Antibiotics.
4. The little kid at the pharmacy that said, "that doctor was NOT NICE, mommy!" And the mommy that was trying not to crack up as she explained that doctors sometimes had to do "not nice" things to figure out what is wrong...
5. My friend, Emily's, strength as she takes care of her little girl, goes to work, and takes care of her hubby while he's in the hospital. Prayers for them are appreciated!
6. All our church members that jumped in to help when the church was flooded this morning. Prayers for the church are appreciated, right now, too!
7. Ordering new tires for my car!!!
8. Our Smokey the Bear painting in our family room - sometimes I look at it and just have to smile...

9. Friends who support the charities that are important to me.
10. Lotion - for dry winter skin!

Blessings on your day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! The church damage was ... I can't even think of the right word... You were missed!

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