So, there's a game going around to post the 4th picture in the 4th photo album on your computer and write about it... So, I thought I'd see what I came up with. Sounds fun!
Ha ha ha! The hubby won't like this - but it's a funny story, actually!
One day, I thought I was being a good wife - volunteering to go canoeing with Mike. He hadn't really canoed much, I had; it was a gorgeous day and I thought we could go for a paddle in one of the parks he worked at. We were both excited and packed a picnic lunch - a fun day was to be had by all...
Then he packed his fishing gear... I was wondering how he would fish from the canoe... but didn't really ask questions... When we got to the park, Mike quickly learned how to portage the canoe. (Thank goodness!) We enjoyed some paddling - but it was a slightly windy day... So it took a while to get anywhere. I didn't care, though - the sun felt great!
We found a quiet spot on the lake... And Mike pulled out his rod and reel. I watched with interest as the wind blew - praying he wouldn't try to stand up in the canoe.... He only did a little. And we managed to stay upright. But the canoe kept moving (imagine that!). I would begin to paddle - to keep us out of the weeds... But then the paddle was disturbing the fish! The wind blew. We'd be in the weeds. It was hot. The fishing line was caught on stuff. Mike was getting CRABBY!
He gave up. We paddled back to shore - him in his own crabby world. Me, trying not to laugh. As we portaged to the next lake, he stepped in some mud - and it sucked the flip-flop right off his foot! Ha ha ha. The shoe was never seen again... And Mike's mood was getting fouler by the minute.
Somehow, we made it back to shore safe and sound. It was a quiet drive home. But then, there was much laughter over dinner that night! We haven't been canoeing since... That was 4 summers ago. Our next big canoeing adventure is supposed to be to the Boundary Waters...
I'm game - if there's no fishing from the canoe!
Things I'm thankful for today:
1. Pictures that remind us of funny days...
2. Laughing at ourselves.
3. Warm summer sun.
4. Big plans.
5. Picnics.
6. The smell of a lake...
7. Strong hubbies that are willing to do the heavy lifting!
8. Flip-flops.
9. Sunglasses.
10. Lessons learned.
potato leek soup
6 days ago
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