"Delusions of Self-sufficiency:
I once read a story about a lady who went to work at a large mill, where her job was to sew. One her first day, the foreman said, 'The most important thing you need to know is this: If your threads get tangled, call me and I'll fix them.' He then pointed to a sign on the wall. There, right in front of her, was a reminder: 'If your threads get tangled, call the foreman.'
The lady sat down and began to sew. Eventually, her threads started to tangle. She thought, 'I won't bother the foreman; he's too busy. I'll do it myself.' She tried to untangle the threads, but they just became more and more tangled. Before long, she really had a mess on her hands.
The foreman came by and said, 'You didn't do what you were told, did you?' She replied, 'No. I wanted to do it myself.' Then she added, 'I want you to know that I did the best I could.'
The foreman responded, 'No, you didn't. If you had done the best that you could, you would have called me.'
Isn't that what's wrong with life most of the time? I know so many who are doing the best they can, but life is still getting all tangled up. And all they have to do - all any of us have to do - is call on the One who made our lives, who made the thread, the One who knows how to untangle it and put it all back together into something beautiful...
That's where the abundant life is found. When we're willing to believe that there really is more to this life - and that God is the only One who can provide the way - all sorts of things begin to happen. He opens his arms to us and welcomes us as friends. He helps us forget the things in our past that we'd rather not remember. He takes all those threads we've managed to tangle up and begins weaving them together into a tapestry that we couldn't previously imagine."
My tangled threads are often those things in life I have no control over. Those things I worry about, toss and turn over, and constantly try to bend to my will. It's good to be reminded every once in a while, that God is with me and God will make something beautiful out of whatever may happen. I know this to be true. It has happened many times throughout my life.
And as for the smaller things in life, that I do have control over, I know I can ask God for help. For support. For guidance. For wisdom. For strength. I've managed to make many small changes in my life over the last six months - changes that have made me a healthier and happier person. And I know that my faith in God is a large part of that!
Where are your tangled threads? Have you asked your "foreman" for help? :)
Things I am thankful for today:
1. Fridays!
2. Chocolate. (Especially the magic "Hot Cocoa Spoon"!)
3. New paw-prints in fresh-fallen snow.
4. Sore muscles after a nice, long walk.
5. Something to look forward to: a day at Aveda with Kayla!
6. Long underwear.
7. Another thing to look forward to: skyping with Emily and Finley in our pjs tomorrow!
8. Good books.
9. REI tomorrow! Ordering my new shoes!
10. 3-buck Chuck LOL
My tangled threads are slowly getting less tangled...I still need to ask for help quicker and with more conviction.
A comment from Melissa - it was too beautiful, so I'm posting it for her...
"Can't post a comment again, but wanted to share my thoughts!
I love the story you shared! I have noticed that I've let go of a lot of control in the last 18 months and that the really tough days weren't untangled by anything I said or did. Unless you count repeatedly saying, "God please grant me patience." while rocking a baby girl in the middle of the night.
I love your blog posts!"
Thanks, Melissa!
You amaze me every day. Proud dad.
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