Outside my window... clouds are moving in for a cooler - and maybe wetter - evening. It's cooling off nicely - a perfect night for sleeping!
I am thinking... my parents' dog, Hershey, is the silliest dog I know. I seriously think she has a crush on my hubby. She watches him with an adoring gaze, sits next to his leg at all times, showers him with kisses if he so much as looks her way... and is sad-as-can-be when he leaves the room.
I am thankful... that my goddaughter, Elly, was excited to see me when she woke up from her nap today (rather than having a meltdown when she realized her mom had left for awhile!).
From the kitchen... Mmmm... It's been a good food weekend - fajitas, come-to-jamaica wings, mocha fudge mousse pie, strawberry biscuits... It's all been good - and we're still eating up the leftovers!
I am wearing... brown "outdoorsy" hiking pants and a green tank top. The hubby says I look very "army" today, Em said I looked ready to hike in the Amazon... Hey - I'm comfy!
I am creating... a grocery list...
I am going... to miss my hubby this weekend. He's going to his nephew's wedding - I have to stay home for my last Sunday at Faith Church.
I am reading... "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson, "The Geography of Bliss" by Eric Weiner, and I'm doing "Reading the Bible, Cover to Cover in 90 Days."
I am hoping... for some time at the pool this week. So far, I've only had 1 hour! So sad...
I am hearing... our neighbor's air conditioner, cars driving by, the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees... and the dogs getting ready for a walk (woof, woof, woof!).
One of my favorite things... reading books with Elly. (Especially "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" - lots of giggles!)
A few plans for the rest of the week... picking up my parents from the airport tomorrow and taking the little sis, Kayla, and the dog, Hershey, home... book group... open sanctuary... writing a sermon... date night with the hubby... taking the hubby to the airport... my last Sunday at Faith Church... picking up the hubby... relaxing...
Here is picture thought I am sharing... This is Elly. We giggled a lot today!
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Things I am thankful for today:
1. No traffic on the way to Elly's house.
2. Iced chai tea latte. Haven't had one in awhile. Yum.
3. Elly's giggles.
4. My sister, Kayla, being so good with Elly!
5. Elly's grandpa's surgery went well.
6. Sitting on the patio, drinking sweet tea.
7. Watching the dogs play with each other - so sneaky, stealing each other's toys!
8. My parents are coming home tomorrow!
9. Date night on Friday... What to plan? What to plan?!
10. My flowers are perking up! (I thought the wind and cold killed them all... They seem to be fighting the good fight!)
Elly is so lucky to have such an adoring Godmomma. I know I've already said it a million times, but you really helped me out today. Don't know what I'd do without you!!! PS: That photo is so cute!
Emmy has that exact same dress! I love it! SO CUTE!
Date night....try the drive in in Cottage Grove! My guess is they'll still have UP as their first movie and it's really cute!
The true blog.
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