--Matthew Arnold
"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it."
--Anne De Lenclos
Today, our worship service was held outside, in our town square area - so fun! A gorgeous day to be outside - sunny, warm (but not too warm), breezy. A beautiful morning!
Ok, maybe more than a little breezy - it was downright windy at times!
The crowd is gathering - a much bigger turnout than I anticipated! And a few visitors that checked us out while having their morning coffee at Caribou Coffee. Always nice to meet new neighbors!
Camille playing a lovely prelude on her flute. Carly jumped in to help when the wind gusted and threatened to blow away Camille's music! Thanks, Carly!
Getting creative in dealing with the wind! Clothes-pins were a life-saver today!
Such a nice way to spend the morning - nice weather, good friends, lemonade and coffee, and thanking God for the goodness in our lives!
I hope you all have a splendid Sunday!
Things I am thankful for today:
1. A beautiful morning!
2. Things went smoothly at the service.
3. We had visitors!
4. Coffee with Kelsey.
5. Iced chai tea.
6. Learning to sew!
7. Starting the book, "Eat, Pray, Love."
8. The hubby made it home safe from Milwaukee.
9. Finally starting to get tan...
10. One of my sister-in-laws gave us her old DVD player! We will be able to watch movies at home for the first time in a year!!! Woo-hoo!
It was truly wonderful!
Sewing?? Will wonders never cease? Make sure you rent "P.S.I Love You"--you will love it!
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