Sunday, April 10, 2011


This afternoon, my confirmation class and I finally got to have a little fun together!  The three kids, three of the parents, hubby, I and one other college-aged kid from church headed to Mall of America to play at Nickelodean Universe for some rides and fun!

I rode rides I have avoided at all costs - and LOVED them!  I was told that my screams could beckon people from our group to whatever ride we were currently on - from the other side of the park!  Ha ha ha.  Yeah.  I'm a screamer.  But for some odd reason, I love the rides!  By the second time, I just laugh through the whole ride.
(My kids - aren't they great?)

After the rides, we re-joined some of the parents upstairs at Cadillac Ranch for dinner. 

And after dinner...  The taunts and dares were too much to pass up.  Most of the adults challenged each other to ride the mechanical bull! 
(Dun, dun, duuuun.  The bull.)
(Cathy - I'm impressed!)
(Kevin - so funny!)
(The hubby got going fast enough to be blurry!)

And yes.  I gave in and gave it a try.  Uff da.  That's a lot harder than it looks!
(I didn't get fast enough to be blurry.  Not even close. This is right before the fall... HA!)

But then, I needed some gelato for dessert.  (Kind of like when a little kid dares to try something new?  Must be rewarded!)

So much fun!

(I have a feeling some of the adults might be sneaking back there again sometime soon...)

Things I am thankful for today:

1.  A fun morning at church - a great small group, nice worship, yummy brunch!
2.  A quick nap.
3.  Roller coasters.  So fun.
4.  Laughing with my church kids.
5.  Laughing with their parents.
6.  Trying new things.
7.  Getting up on the bull (not doing the bull, but getting ON it - that's a lot of work!)
8.  Sharing my love of gelato with the group - Yum!
9.  Enjoying the rest of the quiet evening at home with the hubby.
10.  A good night's sleep!


Unknown said...

Apparently we parked in the wrong ramp and missed the Gelato! Bummer!

Carol E. said...

Jill? Beth? Wouldn't try the bull?

Megs said...

Beth! You started walking without saying "good-bye" - we all thought you were in a hurry to leave! (The Gelato place was right acrossed the hall...)

And Carol - Jill didn't come with us (she had a date with Tommy) and Beth said "been there, done that - a long time ago!" So she was an excellant cheerleader for the rest of us dorks! :)

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