Monday, March 11, 2013

The Great Adventure

In Love Does, Bob Goff talks about the adventures he takes each of his kids on as soon as they turn ten.  They get to pick the adventure - and off they go!  This is what he writes after his daughter's adventure...

"There's a special relationship between a dad and a daughter, something God designed on purpose, I think.  It's not lost on me that of all the names God could have asked us to call Him, we most often refer to Him as 'Father.'  I think that's because He has the same kind of relationship in mind for us that I had in mind for my kids.  I think a father's job, when it's done best, is to get down on both knees, lean over his children's lives, and whisper, 'Where do you want to go?'

"Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure.  It's not a trip where He sends us a rigid itinerary, He simply invites us.  God asks what it is He's made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made.  And then, leaning over us, He whispers, 'Let's go do that together.'"

That's what I love about God.  Life is an adventure - and God doesn't call the shots, but enjoys the journey with us!  God loves when we find those things that bring us pure joy, peace, and love.

"I asked my friend why he thought God did all this, made all these stars that seem to be so superfluous.
"My friend said, 'it's obvious why He did it, Don. He made the stars to dazzle you.'"
--Don Miller, Storyline 2.0
I like a God that dazzles us, that encourages and nudges us towards a more abundant life.  I like a God that is too big to ever understand...  Too grace-filled to seem reasonable to our little minds.
And yet, is with us on the adventure called life.
Things I am thankful for today:
1.  A new meditation series emailed to me.  Nice way to start the day!
2.  Beginning the 3 Day training!
3.  The morning may be tough after Daylight Saving Time...  But the evenings are nice!
4.  Refinancing our house!  Woohoo!
5.  The Bachelor finale.  Yep, thank goodness it's over!
6.  Getting organized for future endeavors.
7.  Hubby making me laugh.
8.  A thank you from a lovely lady at church.
9.  Hot tea.
10.  Getting excited for St Patty's Day!
QotD:  What was something you wanted today, but couldn't have?
Chocolate.  Seriously.

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