Tuesday, February 1, 2011

30 Days of Photos: 2

Post a picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile:

This is Mike, my hubby.  We've been together almost 12 years, and married 7.  He's the bestest. 
(And he's making me dinner tonight!)

Things I am thankful for today:

1.  A cuddly pup.
2.  Nice compliments from strangers for the work I do.
3.  Laughing with my co-workers.
4.  Pop-tarts.
5.  Chatting with Amanda.
6.  Encouragement from friends.
7.  A fun Missions Team meeting!
8.  Hubby made a delish dinner!  (Morel mushroom risotto - Yum!)
9.  Sweatpants and a glass of wine.
10.  Steering wheel warmers.  Lovely.

And today I start the 29 Day Giving Challenge!  Today I wrote 3 thank you notes to people who helped me out this weekend, and 7 notes to people I miss seeing at church!  Hopefully, these handwritten notes will brighten their days!

1 comment:

Carol E. said...

You two are duch a dreamy couple! Hey, could you send me the list of photos/days? Then I can prepare ahead of time instead of waiting for you to post and then copying you.

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