"December's gifts - custom, ceremony, celebration, consecration - come to us wrapped up, not in tissue and ribbons, but in cherished memories. This is the month of miracles. The oil that burned for eight days, the royal son born in a stable, the inexplicable return of Light on the longest, darkest night of the year. Where there is Love, there are always miracles. And where there are miracles, there is great joy...
"At last we embrace the miracle of authenticity, changing forever how we view ourselves. Our daily round. Our dreams. Our destinies. Days we once called common, we now call holy."
--Simple Abundance
The month of November came in and went out in a bluster of activity! I was so busy with work that we managed to not even grocery shop for two weeks! I feel like I've barely been home... and when I am home, the last thing I wanted to do was read or write. I just wanted to rest with some brain-less entertainment!
But... I've missed this, terribly! I've missed starting my days with an uplifting and inspiring reading, some time thinking about the choices I make, and writing about my thoughts and daily life. This centers me, reminds me what is important, and makes me take the time to say "thank you."
At my church, for the month of December, we're focusing on the Spiritual Habit of Simplicity. Funny? Or appropriate? This time of year gets so busy that we forget to take time for the little things - the quiet times, the saying "thank you," praying, looking for meaningful ways to connect with others... Giving gifts that mean something and weren't just a "good buy."
So this is one of the ways I'm trying to get back to myself - I'm back to the blogging world and hope to be here everyday! I miss the relationships I've formed on here, and I've missed the ways all of you inspire me! And I must say, I am SO thankful to those of you who noticed my absence and sent notes, hoping all was well. It was - I just let life get a little crazy for awhile - but I so appreciate your kind words!
So let's celebrate December with celebration and treasured customs and memories! I can't wait to tell you all my favorites! (And there's a lot! I love Christmas-time!)
Blessings to you all!
Things I'm thankful for today:
1. Coming home to a clean house.
2. Christmas lights on timers (outside) and remotes (inside)!
3. A pretty poinsettia from my friend Beth H.
4. A great book group Christmas party the other night - I'm still giggling over some of the shenanigans!
5. Homemade pizza yesterday... Yum!
6. Deciding not to turn on the TV in the mornings. A much better way to start the day.
7. Getting the "crafty" Christmas presents done! Woo-hoo!
8. Open Sanctuary is tonight - another peaceful, centering time for me.
9. My mom.
10. Snow flurries are falling....
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
I'm happy you're back :)
She's Baccccckkkkk! I missed reading your blog... it helps to center me! Heck...I miss you...!
Welcome back! I can't wait to read what you have to say. :)
Dad and I are SO glad you are BACK!!!!:) Your entries are like daily devotionals!! We ponder your insights and your daily gratitude lists and they have helped us look at things differently and become more aware of our daily blessings.
Yea! You're back! I missed my daily dose of daughterly devotions.
I've missed you, my friend..
You give me hope, peace, and comfort. Thank you...
Yay! :D
Glad to see you posting! Every day? I won't be able to keep up! But will be happy to read when I can! :)
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