Sunday, December 6, 2009


"What you think you want, what you will to believe, what you think you can afford, what you decide to love, what you regard yourself as bound to."
--Joseph Campbell's definition of "ego"

--Simple Abundance

My year through the book, "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach, is almost over! I can't believe it! It's the first time in my life, I've truly stuck to an (almost) daily reading schedule and (almost) daily wrote about my thoughts and feelings about what I read and how it connected to me... I've only got a couple of weeks left in this book - and I'm already missing it! (I hope I find a really cool new one for next year! I'm taking suggestions...)

But in the end, this one really boiled down to: everyday is a choice. Like Joseph Campbell said - it's what you choose to believe, to think, to afford, to love, and to be bound to... It's choices that make up who I am. And in the past year, I've made choices to be grateful EVERYDAY - and it's changed me. I've made choices to simplify areas of my life - to carefully decide what to pick up and what to put down, what to say "yes" to and what to say "no" to. I've found new ways to seek order in my life - through organization, schedules, and trying to live out my beliefs. I've made the choice to seek harmony; and I've made choices everyday to acknowledge beauty and joy!

Do I have bad days? Yep. Do I get frustrated? Yep. But there's always something to make me smile, someone to put their arms around me, a dog to give me kisses and cuddles. And I've seen for myself that even in those dull, gray days... God is with me, if I choose to look!

Choices. My choices. What gets simpler than that?

Things I am thankful for today:
1. A surprise phone call early this morning.
2. A fun confirmation class with the boys.
3. PEZ dispensers.
4. The honor of serving communion.
5. A new cookie recipe!
6. Going to see the musical "In the Heights" with my youngest sister, Kayla. Thanks, Kay!
7. Dinner and chatting with Kay. Good times.
8. Cookies are ready to be made - everything is bought and ready to go!
9. A day at home tomorrow.
10. Snow is in the forecast - finally!


Melissa Kaye said...

HOLY CATS! How many cookies are you making? :)

Unknown said...

I think this is one of your best posts! You are positve force in my life. Thanks for your friendship.

Andrea, the little collector said...

What I choose to pick up or put down...I'm discovering those are big things too. I'm glad for the reminder that God can be found near us even on the grey days.

Then, on a different note, "In the Heights" is set in my neighborhood! Although, I've yet to see it. Was it good?

And with all those cookie makings???? HOLY SMOKES, girl! I'll be right over!!! Is the inn open yet?

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