Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ladies of Grace - September 23

Today is the day we link up to Walk a Mile and share where we have experienced grace, given grace, or even just noticed our hearts softened and warmed - or hardened and cold - due to an experience... This is an experiment in noticing where our hearts are opened or closed in our daily lives - and learning from those moments as we move forward in our day-to-day lives. We call this little experiment "Ladies of Grace" - and everyone is invited to take part!

My moment for this week is a happy moment! Today I got to spend time with my sister, Emily, her husband Karlin, and my niece, Finley. They are on their way to Alaska, where Karlin will be serving his first church as an Associate Pastor.

My sister and I are five years apart and have certainly had our ups and downs over the years. Sometimes, I think we've been too much alike... Sometimes, complete opposites... We've had very different life experiences and have chosen different ways to lead our lives. I used to think we would never be close...

But we are. I feel so lucky to finally, over the last couple of years, feel close to Em and her family. We're friends, we're sisters - and it is good. It's been such a blessing to me to be able to listen, comfort, and giggle with her as she gets ready for this huge new endeavor in their lives. She knows it's going to be hard, scary, and maybe lonely at first - but she also knows she can call anytime and that's pretty cool.
And my hubby and I can't wait to go visit - in ALASKA!

There were lots of other blessings that occured today too - including my little niece referring to me as "Annie May" (instead of Auntie Meg). Ha ha ha. I kinda like it.

Things I am thankful for today:

1. Pastor Penny's graceful reaction to an embarrassing moment with my dog...
2. Finley saying everyone's names - so cute.
3. Talking with Em and Karlin about Alaska.
4. Playing the card game, Hearts, till midnight!
5. Yummy steak dinner at Mom and Dad's.
6. Celebrating my Mom's and Hubby's birthdays over dinner.
7. Family photos - I can't wait to see how they turned out!
8. Dad running around like a goof with Finley and the dogs! So fun to see him playing!
9. Trail mix - with candy corns. Yum. Thanks, Mom!
10. Finley dancing with "hand in the air" and "breaking it down!"

1 comment:

Andrea, the little collector said...

Oh Alaska is fantastic! I've visited much of SE Alaska (Ketchikan to Juneau) and around Anchorage (including the tiny "town" of Port Alsworth, then south to Homer). I loved it! I hope they love it too and that you get a chance to visit them!

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