Friday, January 14, 2011


"A great thought is a sense-spirit object.  It takes on a life of its own.  We are famliar in our history with certain frontiers where such thoughts awakened.  At a personal level, each of us is aware of certain threshold times in the lives of our hearts when such thoughts arrived and changed everything."
--John O'Donohue, "Beauty"

An interesting a beautiful quote...  (Especially after watching the movie, "Inception," last week!)

Do you have "threshold thoughts" that stick out to you?

Like the moment you realized you were an adult - and everything has changed?
The moment you realized "he (or she) is the one"?
The moment a dream was closed to you?
The moment a fresh dream emerged?
The moment you knew who you were meant to be?

Thresholds.  I love that visual.

Things I am thankful for today:

1.  Sleeping in, with the pup.
2.  Small chores done.
3.  Clean sheets.
4.  My "30th Birthday Music Mix" - a good workout CD today.  Thanks, Amanda!
5.  The songs, "You Sexy Thang," "Billie Jean," and "Walking on Sunshine."  Nice!
6.  The hubby rocking the snowboarding tricks today - he's pretty proud of himself.
7.  An awesome new recipe - I'll post it soon!
8.  A day without any headaches or vision problems.  Woo-hoo!
9.  A pretty snowfall this afternoon.
10.  Being pleasantly tired.

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