Thursday, February 12, 2009


"Do you really want to be happy? Just pay attention and be kind, unconditionally kind, on this breath alone. Forget about the future. Just this breath. No matter what the circumstances, just be kind. Friend, lover, family member, someone who seems to hate you, someone you've never met on the street, your own soft animal body. Just be kind, in whatever way is appropriate. Everything else will work itself out, and you will begin to sense your own Pure Heart everywhere. How amazing. Very simple. Just be kind. Only on this breath."
-- Scott Morrison

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we could all just set aside our pettiness? Our judgements? Our criticisms? Our insecurities? Our impatience? Our cynical natures? Hmmm... So simple. Don't worry about the future, the past, or anything else. Just be kind. Right now. To whoever you meet - including yourself. I'll be working on this - will you join me?

To a simpler - and kinder - world!

Things I am thankful for today:

1. A newly painted office!
2. Diane reminded us that Sunday is national Gum Drop day! How funny is that?!
3. I felt good about myself in dressing room lighting! Whoa!
4. The sun was out for a little bit... Nice to know it still exists!
5. I watched a nice story about a man named, Earl, in Apple Valley that works in a flower shop - and loves to make people smile! Makes me want to go buy some flowers from him. He's living out kindness! Check it out at:
6. The hubby always offers his arm when we walk over ice on our nightly walks. :)
7. Pictures of old friends' kids!
8. Hubby's working a half day tomorrow!
9. Crazy lady on "Survivor" makes me laugh.
10. Popcorn. Yum.

11. I had to add it - I LOVE gorillas! There was a story on the news about a baby gorilla being born in San Francisco... I had to find a picture - so cute!


Unknown said...

The story of Earl made me happy and a bit tearful! What a sweet man. Gorillas crack me up! We love the ones at Como...

Melissa Kaye said...

I seem to comment about food a lot on here. Cause today's comment is about my love affair with popcorn. I seriously eat it almost every night and I can't go to a movie without a big tub of it!

Megs said...

Ha ha ha - Diane told me the other day that she thinks my blog definately reflects who I am - even down to my love of food! :) Well hey - my blog is about being grateful, and food is a simple pleasure! So comment away, Melissa! LOL

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