But I'm back! At least this week. Next week, I leave for vacation - so I'll be taking another week off. Then, when I get back I'll be back-posting all the adventures we'll be having in Europe! Woo-hoo! That will be fun!
So on that note, here is my quote for today:
"The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate."
--Joseph Priestley
"In his comment Joseph Priestly has clear insight into our overtaxed communication culture. Saturated with cell phones, texting, emailing, and the internet, we seem to chatter more and more and say (and hear) less and less. Funny that he was able to glean such incisive perspective on our modern condition even thought he passed away in 1804. Yes, that's not a typo. Priestley was a chemist and clergyman who died in 1804, more than 200 years ago."
--Mina Parker, "Less is More
Can you imagine being overtaxed by communication in 1804?! I find that so funny! Just while I've been writing this post my cell phone rang, my hubby's cell phone rang, I received a text message and 4 emails... and who knows what's happening on my Facebook wall! And yes, I'm currently writing on my blog. Whew! No wonder I'm so tired and my brain doesn't seem to want to cooperate these days!
So to simplify, do I give these things up all together and only keep what is essential? Or do I try to find balance in what I do - day to day? I think part of the reason I occassionally take breaks from blogging, is just that feeling of being overwhelmed and dependent upon something that, let's be honest, isn't all that important. I don't take the time to visit so many of the people's blogs that visit mine - not because I'm not interested and grateful for their interest - but I just feel like there's only so much time in day... And while I love the blogging world, it's not in my top priorities... It's a hobby. And a way to record some of the stories of my life.
Oh boy. That's enough thinking for one day. I hope you're having a WONDERFUL Sunday!
Things I am thankful for today:
1. A very fun, early St. Patty's Day dinner at our house last night!
2. Time with the family.
3. Irish coffees. A great way to end the evening.
4. A successful "Spud Sunday" fundraiser at church this morning. (Baked Potato Bar)
5. My confirmation boys showing up to class without their cell phones! I've trained them well... Ha ha ha.
6. People trying out "fasting" various things in their lives because of a sermon I gave last week. It's so fun to hear their stories!
7. A BEAUTIFUL day! 64 degrees and sunny - FINALLY!
8. Going for a walk - without a coat - and sweating! Phew!
9. Dinner and Wii at Em and Jeremy's house - so fun! Loved it!
10. Our God-daughter, Elly. Love her.
But sometimes hobbies can become obsessions. My head gets so bogged down or should I say blogged down...did you see that article in the NYT about mom's and blogging? I am going to send the link to you...oy vay!
After a fw months of barely blogging myself (or reading many blogs), I appreciate the quote and your thoughts. Hope you have (are having!) the loveliest of vacations!
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