Don't you love when you wake up and have no idea what your day will have in store for you?
I had plans today to have lunch with an old friend, a former pastor of mine. She was my pastor when I was in high school. I worked with her for a summer when I was in college. And we've kept in touch throughout the years since. She lives about 3 miles from my house, on a lovely farm... and we haven't seen each other in about 7 years! Terrible, I know.
I was at an event in Minneapolis a couple of weeks ago, listening to Parker Palmer (wonderful!), and I looked up, and saw Betty sitting in the balcony, happily listening and knitting! I was with other friends and needed to feed the parking meter, so I didn't get to say "hi."
So, of course, when I got home, I "facebooked" her! Ha!
We ended up making plans to meet for lunch today - out at her farm.
Delightful. She's always so warm, so curious about my life, so understanding of the ways I don't fit into the ministry world, and so willing to debate the things we may not see eye to eye on. She's a strong, passionate woman - with a heart for God and for people - and it's always a lovely visit!
And she makes me laugh. We waited to have lunch until her hubby came home from running a load of corn down to the loading area (where they put the corn on the barges that go down the Mississippi and then shipped all over the world!). He's always sweet, and so cute. In the middle of lunch he invited me to ride along on the next delivery, after lunch. I figured, "why not?!"
So we did! I got to ride in his "straight truck," loaded with corn; got to watch them sample the corn, measure the corn, dump the corn - and meet some of the other local farmers. I don't know what it is about being around big trucks - but I immediately turn into a little kid! Curious, impressed, and having loads of fun!
It reminded me of spending time with my grandpa. I loved it.
I figured when I got back to the farm, we'd be saying our good-byes and I'd head home - but no! Betty met me at the truck with bags in hand and guided me to the "mule" (a little vehicle) and we rode out to the outskirts of the property to pick rhubarb - LOTS of rhubarb! YUM!
The last time I visted, we got to pick apples. Gotta love having a friend with a farm!
It was a wonderful few hours. So different from my daily life. So good to spend with a wonderful couple. Those little breaks from "the normal," those little glimpses of God, smiling down on us.... Made me grateful for the life I have. Right here. Right now.
Thanks, Betty and Wayne!
Things I am thankful for today:
1. Surprises.
2. Feeling like a kid.
3. Understanding friends.
4. "Furry" tulips!
5. Rhubarb - oh, the possibilities!
6. Muddy shoes.
7. Pot pie, without the chicken... and the giggles that followed.
8. The TV Show "The Voice"!
9. Time to read...
10. Warm milk with a dash of vanilla...
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago